Midrealm Coronation 2012 | The Barony of Cynnabar

Coronation A&S Bean Count Competition

To showcase the wonders of the Kingdom, the populace is invited to partake in the Coronation A&S bean count display. The Winner will be the entry with most beans and will be announced in court. Sign up will open at 12:00 pm and the display closes at 4:00 pm. Please remember to sign in, and to pick up your items afterward.

To participate:
Sign in your item with the attendant. Do this as early as possible (tables open at noon), so that everyone will have a chance to see it. And don't forget to pick it up at 4:00 pm!

To vote:
Take 3 beans from the box and select the item/the items, you like the most, by placing bean(s) in the cup provided by each item.

The Winner will be the entry with most beans and will be announced in court! Items without cups are for display only.

If you have any questions, ask the attendant or the Cynnabar Minister of Arts and Sciences, The Honorable Lady Arin fraan Traentorp

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Page designed by Genoveva von Lübeck

Images and site map are copyright Genoveva von Lübeck and reproduced here with permission.

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