Fiber Faire 2 | The Barony of Cynnabar

The Barony of Cynnabar presents

October 13, 2012 in Saline, Michigan

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Fiber Faire Class Schedule

We have a diverse array of classes scheduled. There will be plenty of room for crafting in the Fellowship Hall, so bring your handwork.

There are still a few class slots available please contact THL Halima bint al-Rabii' at feltinglady (at) yahoo [dot] com to schedule your class.

Bring your fiber projects, with or without documentation to the Arts and Science display. There is no competition, just a chance to show off your work. There will be a special section called "First and Best". If available please bring and example of your early work on a fiber skill and an example of your current work. Let's see how far you have come!

Room 1 (upstairs)

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4

10 AM

Basic Handsewing  

Lady Benedicta of Cynnabar

This class allows time for practice. It will cover picking the right needle and thread for your fabric, beginning and ending threads, avoiding unwanted knots in the thread, sewing an even seam or hem, and sewing with a single thread without need for sailor language. Basic stitches (including running stitch, backstitch, herringbone stitch, blind-hemming stitch) will be taught, together with period ways to keep your raw edges from raveling. Bring an assortment of needles if you have them (needles will be available), more important are sharp scissors. Fabric and thread will be provided. $2.00 to cover handout and supplies; limit 10.

Patterning 101 
Mistress Melisant Saint-Clair

Foundations of patterning, including basic concepts of how to think about shapes and sizes, descriptions of different methods of patterning, and ways of shaping two-dimensional fabric around a three-dimensional body.


Inkle Weaving  

THL Brigitta the Weaver 

This class will cover the basics of creating inkle weaving on an inkle loom, including warping the loom and weaving.  Inkle weaving creates narrow bands that can be used as trim, belts or bag straps.  Bring a loom and fiber for weaving if you have them or simply come to observe the process

11 AM

Basic Handsewing Continued

Patterning 101 Continued

 Stranded/ Colored Knitting

Lady Caelfind (Spider)

Please bring two colors of yarn and double points if you have it. I'll bring some spares to borrow for the class. 

 To Knot or Not to Knot
Lady Clarissa da Svizzera

-How to start and end your thread with or without a knot when doing hand-sewing or embroidery -How to make a French knot
Open to 8 at a time hands-on; it usually does not take a full hour and I'm more than willing to run other groups of 8 as time allows.
-I will provide needle, thread and fabric and ask for a donation for the supplies which may be kept.
Extra scissors are always useful!
-At least a vague clue about hand-sewing/embroidery is needed. This is not a beginning embroidery class.

12 PM

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

1 PM

Beginning Reed Basket Weaving.

Lady Kathryn Hatton von Rahm

Students will learn to make a small beginner’s wooden base basket using reeds.  Students will be able to take their baskets home at the end of the class.   All materials for the basket will be provided along with written instructions for this method of basket making.   Class materials cost $4.00

History of Felt Making

THL Halima bint al-Rabii’

Wherever there was wool there was felt, whether it was wanted or not! Learn what felt products your persona may have owned.  This will be a chronological history of felt making, starting in 6000 BCE and ending in the modern day!  Information is based on archaeological finds, period artwork, and modern examples of traditional felting techniques (there will be lots of pictures!)

Basic Embroidery

THL Sunnifa Gunnarsdottir

Class covers beginning embroidery stitches (running stitch, split stitch, chain stitch) and looks at some examples of embroidery in different periods.  Adults and teens/tweens welcome.  Children under 10 must be accompanied by a parent.

Beginning Tablet Weaving

Lady Sahla bint Mikha'il al Khalil

Class will center around a simple threaded-in pattern in basic tablet weaving. No loom required. Kits will be provided for up to 8 students at no charge. Please bring a sturdy belt if you are able. I should have a few belts as well, but will not be able to supply them to the whole class. Others are welcome to sit in.

2 PM

How To Use a Thimble (in hand-sewing/embroidery)
Lady Clarissa da Svizzera

Need I say more? Please bring your own needle, thread and a small hunk of light-weight fabric (lighter than denim; 4"x4" minimum; linen or 100% cotton suggested; scraps are fine). Scissors are useful. If possible, please bring a thimble that fits (snug enough to not fall off; not so tight it hurts). I will have some thimbles available for loan but can't guarantee your size will be there. Leather ones are okay as are mundane adhesive "thimble spots". Hands-on for groups of 4; will repeat for as many groups as time allows.

"Old Fleece, New Sheep" 
Mistress Radegund von Lutra

Looking to reproduce period textiles, but not sure about what type of fleece to buy? We will look at what the archaeological evidence shows, what we know about the modern breeds, and then discuss picking the breed of sheep with the fleece you want.

 How to Choose Fabric for Your Garb
Mistress Melisant Saint-Clair

We will cover the main types of fabric that were used prior to 1600 and talk about ways to think about your choices (what kind? how heavy? what color?) based on your persona. We'll also talk about modern substitutes.

Beginning Tablet Weaving Continued

3 PM

Coptic needle binding-

THL Arina de Traentorp 

Basic needle binding history and how to do the coptic needle binding stitch and how to make a coptic sock. Please feel free to bring needle and yarn if you have, the yarn should be
possible to felt. Needles and yarn will also be available for loaning, and if you want to take the needle home, it costs $5. Workshop instructions are free.


THL Brigitta the Weaver

Learn to easily make sturdy cord that can be used on garb for ties, lacing and button loops. Bring a lucet maker if you have one.  A limited amount of loaners will be available.

Wire Frame Hat Making

Suzette Mariotti

Make a wire-framed hat.  Topics covered:  sizing the hat and designing the wire frame; using wire to construct a hat frame that can be covered with fabrics, trims, or other materials; optionally, techniques to cover and line the hat.  Students will make a mini-top hat "fascinator" or other style of their choice.  This technique can be used to make rigid hats or headdresses from any period, or blocks for blocked hats of felt or straw.
Bring:  wire cutters, needlenose pliers, Sharpie, fabric measuring tape.
Optional:  pictures of hats you want to make.  Fabrics, needles, threads and scissors for covering.  
Desired:  Small remnants of fabric, 1/2 yard or less, to share!  Fashion fabrics and lining fabrics both needed.
$2 material fee.


4 PM

Coptic Needle Binding Continued

Spinning with a Drop Spindle 

THL Sunnifa Gunnarsdottir

Class covers the basics of spinning with a drop spindle.  $5 covers a spinning kit for each participant (kit includes spindle, wool and instructions).  You can also bring your own spindle and wool.  Adults and teens/tweens welcome.  Children under 10 must be accompanied by a parent.

Wire Frame Hat Making Continued

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Page designed by Genoveva von Lübeck

Images are copyright Genoveva von Lübeck and reproduced here with permission.

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Disclaimer: This is the recognized Web site for Fiber Faire hosted by the Barony of Cynnabar, Middle Kingdom (The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.) and is maintained by Genoveva von Lübeck. This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version. Copyright 2012 Cynnabar. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site. For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this web site, please contact the Webminister at They will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors. All external links are not part of the Barony of Cynnabar website. Inclusion of a page or site here is neither implicit nor explicit endorsement of the site. Further, SCA, Inc. is not responsible for content outside of