Spring Crown Tournament and Kingdom A&S Faire| The Barony of Cynnabar

The Barony of Cynnabar presents

Spring Crown Tournament and Kingdom A&S Faire

May 23-24, 2015
7265 N. Ann Arbor Rd., Saline, MI 48176

Site Information | Fees and Registration | Maps and Directions | Lodging | Master Schedule | Activities | Dancing | Archery | Youth | Lunch Tavern | Feast | Event Staff

Mark these words sent to the far reaches of this noble Kingdom:

As the wheel of time turns ever forward, Heirs to the Dragon Thrones must be sought once more. To this end we invite all within the Middle Kingdom to converge upon the Barony of Cynnabar this coming May to compete, inspire, or bear witness to the Crown Tournament of the Great Midrealm.

For your enjoyment and to test your skills we offer all manner of competitions and entertainments, including the Crown Tournament and Kingdom Arts & Sciences competitions.

WHAT: Spring Crown Tournament and Kingdom A&S
WHEN: Saturday, May 23 (Kingdom A&S Faire) and Sunday, May 24 (Crown Tournament)
WHERE: Liberty School, 7265 N. Ann Arbor Road, Saline, Michigan 48176 (MapQuest | Google Maps)

Event Program: Those who wish to view/download/print the event program in advance may download it from this link: http://www.cynnabar.org/crowntournament/CrownTourneyProgram.pdf (PDF file, 600k, print back to back then fold in half)

Retainers: Learn how to be a retainer or guard for Royalty during either or both days.
Merchants: If you are interested in selling your wares at this event, please contact Baron Tairdelbach ua Conaill (note that e-mail addresses on this site are obfuscated to protect them and the usual e-mail symbols must be typed in by the sender).

PLEASE READ THIS if you or anyone you plan to attend with is under the age of 18 -- otherwise you may not be allowed to attend the event.

Site is dry (this includes parking lots). No alcohol, smoking, or drugs are allowed anywhere on site.

Page designed and maintained by Genoveva von Lübeck

The image shown on this page is a "derivative work" by Genoveva von Lübeck, based on De arte athletica II by Paul Hector Mair created in the 16th century. The digital, unaltered work was provided freely by Münchener DigitalisierungsZentruum Digitale Bibliothek.

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Disclaimer: This is the recognized Web site for Spring Crown Tournament hosted by the Barony of Cynnabar, Middle Kingdom (The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.) and is maintained by Genoveva von Lübeck. This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version. Copyright 2015 Cynnabar. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site. For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this web site, please contact the Webminister at webminister@cynnabar.org. They will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors. All external links are not part of the Barony of Cynnabar website. Inclusion of a page or site here is neither implicit nor explicit endorsement of the site. Further, SCA, Inc. is not responsible for content outside of http://www.cynnabar.org.