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The Barony of Cynnabar presents |
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Spring Crown Tournament and Kingdom A&S ActivitiesActivities for this event -- beyond the Kingdom A&S Faire on Saturday and the Crown Tournament on Sunday -- include dancing, archery & thrown weapons, pick-up fighting for armored and rapier, youth activities, A&S classes, meetings, merchants, a lunch tavern on both days, and a feast on Sunday night.Populace A&S Viewing Populace viewing of Kingdom A&S entries will be on Saturday between 11:00 am and noon while the entrants are away at the Judges and Entrants Meeting. We ask that you please respect the hard work of the artisans - do not bring food or drink into the display areas, and do not touch or move the displays while viewing. You may, of course, leave tokens for any entries you admire and such tokens are appreciated by the artisans, but please place them in a way as to not disturb the displays. Fighting on Saturday On the front lawn if weather permits Armored Fighting: 10:00 am-4:00 pm Rapier Fighting: 9:00 am-1:00 pm-ish Inspections/authorizations/warm ups will start before 10. 10 am-11 am: Bear Pit 11 am-12 pm: Working with Warders Coaching Tourney - students seek out your Warder; find a Warder and have them work with you; or try something you've been wanting to in practice. Have them watch you fight someone and get feedback. (Warders can also participate.) 1 pm-?: Bring your Best - A Game (simple double elimination) ** Cut & Thrust available in tournies if both fighters agree *****His Majesty will hold the field at some point during the day Youth Armored Combat: 2:00-4:00 pm SCA 50 Year Video History Project We will have a booth set up for people to record short videos about their SCA experiences. The videos collected will be used as part of the Historic Display at the SCA 50 Year Celebration June 17-27, 2016 in Indianapolis, Indiana, and on its associated YouTube channel. We want to collect the stories of people who represent the wide range of participants in our Society. No matter what your age, rank, or length of time in the Society, you are invited to share your experiences with us and with the attendees at the 50 Year Celebration. Please contact THL Elizabethe Alles (lady.elizabethe@gmail.com). Day Camps There will be some limited day-camp space available on both days (particularly if there is good weather - lots of outdoor space!). If you would like, we encourage you to bring a nice day-camp with period furniture, banners, etc. Please hide as much modern material as possible. Food and drink are allowed at day camps in the gym if you put a rug underneath the area where the food/drink is stored, served, and consumed -- otherwise, please take your food and drink to the cafeteria. Heraldic Volunteers Are you interested in helping to herald the lists and assist with other areas of service to the heraldic aspects of the tournament so as to get a closer look at the field of list heraldry? If so, contact Herr Alexander Adelbrecht von Markelingen directly at Alexander@HausAdelbrecht.net. Crown & Kingdom A&S Musical Entertainment Anyone is welcome to come play with us and add atmosphere to the event. Master Aaron and Mistress Jadwiga will have sheet music for sight reading. Please sign up at http://vols.pt/4L82o4 if you'd like to play. Photos of Combantants and Consorts To commemorate the wondrous occasion of Kingdom Crown Tourney, Their Royal Majesties Ragnvaldr and Arabella would like all Consorts and Combatants to participate in having a photo taken of them before the Tournament begins. Please arrive early (9:00 am) and present yourselves to the photographers located in Room 11/History room. A&S Classes & Meetings (on Saturday in the Band room): 10:00 am - Bidding the Bedes: Introduction to Paternosters (THL Elizabethe Alles) In the 13th-16th centuries in western Europe, prayer beads were a ubiquitous accessory. This class discusses the history and development of the paternoster, as well as information on making your own replica. Kits will be available to make a glass or bone paternoster. Kits for 15 students, $5 each. Auditors welcome. 11:00 am - Cartridge Pleating 101 (Lady Bianca Cantacouzene) There are many ways to make cartridge pleats and in this class you will learn one way. A small kit will be available for in-class practice. Class size is limited to 8 participants. 12:00 pm - Calf-to-Codex (Master Johannes von Narrenstein) "Calf-to-Codex" is a project to create a medieval book from the ground up. This project is like the one that made the Great Booke more than twenty years ago. The theme is the Midrealm. The goal is to complete the project by the SCA 50th Anniversary, which the Midrealm is hosting. All sorts of help is needed – from growing flax and making thread, to bookbinding, to parchment making and preparing ink and paints. In this session I am recruiting scribes and illuminators, and will be explaining their tasks. I will have two sets of signatures (parchment and paper) ready to assign. 1:00 pm - Exchequer Meeting (Lord AElfric Greensword) 2:00 pm - Crown Tournament in the MidRealm (Mistress Claire Fitzwilliam of Lynnwood Keep) Learn how Crown Tournament is run so you can better understand tomorrow's tournament. What is required by Kingdom law, what is longterm custom, and what can the Royalty change. 3:00 pm - Pelican Meeting 4:00 pm - Laurel Meeting Shopping Here is a list of merchants: Vinland Merchant Ventures — Handmade Jewelry and oddments Of Earth and Air — Handcrafted Jewelry and essential salts Bored Bard — Books, illumination supplies, sewing supplies, garb, handcrafted jewelry, and miscellany Costume Ladies — Fabrics, trims, belt and drawstring bags, and assorted oddments Viking Archery Supplies — Archery Supplies White Wolf and Phoenix — Hand woven trims and belts, etc. Large Wooden Badger — Handcrafted Jewelry Cross-time Caravan — Costume basics (shirts, snoods, waist cinchers, cloaks, etc.), jewelry, hand spun yarn, wood turned items, etc. Munitions Grade Arms — Rattan Hoard Silver — Handcrafted Jewelry Nonna the Midwife — Handcrafted Pottery Bead Rescue Project — Beads, with a treasure hunt too! NorthStar Armoury — Jewelry, accessories and Books By My Hand Designs — Shields, Sword fittings, and other supplies Return to Spring Crown Tournament and Kingdom A&S Home |
Page designed and maintained by Genoveva von Lübeck
The image shown on this page is a "derivative work" by Genoveva von Lübeck, based on De arte athletica II by Paul Hector Mair created in the 16th century. The digital, unaltered work was provided freely by Münchener DigitalisierungsZentruum Digitale Bibliothek.
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Disclaimer: This is the recognized Web site for Spring Crown Tournament hosted by the Barony of Cynnabar, Middle Kingdom (The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.) and is maintained by Genoveva von Lübeck. This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version. Copyright 2015 Cynnabar. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site. For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this web site, please contact the Webminister at webminister@cynnabar.org. They will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors. All external links are not part of the Barony of Cynnabar website. Inclusion of a page or site here is neither implicit nor explicit endorsement of the site. Further, SCA, Inc. is not responsible for content outside of http://www.cynnabar.org.