The Citadel is an official publication of the Barony of Cynnabar. It is available through this web site in PDF format.

The October 2024 issue of the Citadel is now available:

In this issue...

  • Words of Their Excellencies
  • Cynnabar weekly schedule
  • Chronicler’s Editorial
  • Michigan Celtic Festival: Cynnabar’s Favorite Annual “Demo”
  • The CITADEL Index 2005-2015
  • The First Baronial “Missives”
  • Recipe of the Issue: Mint Cake
  • Officers of the Barony

Citadel Back Issues

The following issues of The Citadel are available in electronic format:

  • July 2024
    • Words from Their Excellencies
    • A Tale of Old Cynnabar
    • Mistress Kathryn, Basket Lady
    • Voices of the Populace
    • Cynnabar's Secret Chef
    • Retraction
  • April 2024
    • Words from Their Excellencies: Cynnabar Announces Kingdom Status!
    • Terpsichore XXVII at a New Tower
    • Earl Marshal to Regulate Dancing
    • YOU Have Time to Fritter! Make it TASTY!
  • January 2024
    • Words from Their Excellencies
    • From the Chronicler
    • A Grand Day “Roman”
    • Butter Sculptures
    • And more...
  • October 2023
  • July 2023
  • April 2023
  • October 2022
  • January 2022
    • Words from Their Excellencies
    • Officers
    • Note from the Chronicler
    • Printed Cookies: Creating Edible Masterpieces with Your Family and Friends - THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
    • Seeing the Foresters for the Trees: The Ancient Roots of the Modern Greenwood - Elizabeth G. Calhoun/Godhit of Cynnabar
    • Roman Macaroni - Leopold of Cynnabar
    • Pfeffernüsse (German Spice Cookies) - Leopold of Cynnabar
    • Preparing a Graver - HE Sir Gregoire de Lyon
    • Events and Happenings
  • May 2021
    • Words from Their Excellencies
    • Note from the Chronicler
    • The Field of Cloth of Gold Contributed by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
    • Events and Happenings
    • Officers
  • April 2020
    • Letter from the Chronicler
    • Words from Their Excellencies
    • Events and Happenings
    • Officers
    • More
  • August 2019
    • Words from Their Excellencies - Baron Ermenrich and Baroness Kasha
    • A Note from the Chronicler - THL Ceara inghean Mhuirgheasa
    • Baronial Transition
    • Upcoming Events and Demos
  • Winter 2018
    • Words from Their Excellencies - Baron Ermenrich and Baroness Kasha
    • Thomas Tusser's Christmas Karrol - THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
    • The Raptor’s Tale - THL Jack Black of Flint, aka BlackJack
    • Cynnabar Wassail 2018 - Farewell to an EVENTful 40th Year - Forester Godhit of Cynnabar
    • Wikis: Letting everyone become an amateur historian, one contribution at a time - Malachy von Ulm
  • Fall 2018
    • Words from Their Excellencies - Baron Ermenrich and Baroness Kasha
    • Of Ghostes and Spirites: Two Elizabethan Works on Apparitions - THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
    • The Raptor’s Tale - THL Jack Black of Flint, aka BlackJack
  • Summer 2018
    • Words from Their Excellencies - Baron Ermenrich and Baroness Kasha
    • Nostradamus and the Fruits of Summer - THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
    • The Raptor’s Tale - THL Jack Black of Flint, aka BlackJack
  • Spring 2018
    • Words from Their Excellencies
    • Discussion: Cookbooks and Where to Start - THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
    • The Raptor's Tale: THL Jack Black of Flint, aka BlackJack
    • Event Announcements
  • Winter 2017
    • Words of Their Excellencies
    • Court Reports, p. 2-3
    • The CITADEL Wins Another Blackfox, p.3
    • Cynnabar’s Ruby Jubilee: SAVE THE DATE, p.4
    • A Wassail Memory, by Baroness Kasha, p.5
    • Five Things About … Mistress Jadwiga, Baronial Exchequer, p.4
    • Wassail in the Age of Twitter, by THL Johnnae Llyn Lewis, CE, p.6
    • Regard the Sandwich, by THL Johnnae Llyn Lewis, CE, p.9
    • The WHY: Baronial Arts and Sciences Reports, by Aeffe Torsdottir, MOAS, p.13
    • Roster of Officers and Barony of Cynnabar Weekly Current Event Schedule, p.14
    • Last Words from Godhit, Outgoing Chronicler, p.14
    • Appendix: 2017 Exchequer’s Statement (attached)
  • Fall 2017
    • Words of Their Excellencies
    • Cooks’ Symposium October 14-15! p.2
    • From the Chronicler, p.3
    • Court Reports, p.3-4
    • Herald Night Returns! p.4
    • Cynnabar, the Event Year, by THL Godhit of Cynnabar, p.4
    • What I Love About the Grand Day of Tournaments, by Meisterinne Genoveva von Lubeck, p.5
    • Event Stewards! Heed the Exchequer! p. 7
    • On Peaches, by THL Johnnae Llyn Lewis, p.8
    • Baronial Officers Roster and Baronial Weekly Schedule, p.14
  • Summer 2017
    • Words of Their Excellencies
    • From the Chronicler, p.2
    • Pennsic Pro Tips by Caryn of Cynnabar, p.2
    • Court Report, p.2
    • Pennsic Archery: What You Need to Know... by Caryn of Cynnabar, p.3
    • Pennsic Tourism, by THL Johnnae llyn Llewis, p.5
    • Preparing for Pennsic: On-line Resources, by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis,  p.7
    • Heat Exhaustion, a Lady’s Account, by Lady Morwen, p.8
    • The Book of Archery, by Forester Grey Oddson, p.9
  • Spring 2017 (Interim)
    • Words from Their Excellencies
    • From the Chronicler
    • Officer Changeovers
    • New Deputy Chronicler: Meet Caryn of Cynnabar
    • Student Group Update
    • Getting to Know: Master Derian le Breton, Seneschal
    • Lady Edonea (Eidy): Your New Chatelaine
    • Recent Court Reports
    • Herald Night Hiatus!
    • “Of Foliate Heads and Green Men” by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • 2016 Financial Statement?
  • Spring 2017
    • Liquorice - Johnnae llyn Lewis
  • Winter 2016
    • Starting Points in Cookery - The East - Johnnae llyn Lewis
  • Autumn 2016
    • Medieval and Renaissance Cookery, Cookbooks, and Foods from Scandinavia - Johnnae llyn Lewis
  • Summer 2016
    • Starting Points in Cookery: West – Johnnae llyn Lewis
  • Spring 2016
    • A Missive from Their Excellencies – Baron Ermenrich & Baroness Kasha
    • State of Baronial Archery – Lady Godaeth se Wisefast
    • SCA Camping with a CPAP – Lord Malachy von Ulm
    • The South: A Persona Story – Mistress Kay of Tre Asterium
    • Starting Points in Cookery: South – Johnnae llyn Lewis
  • Winter 2015
    • On Our English Dogs - Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • Adventures in Spiced Gin - Kay of Tre Asterium
    • Hand Sewn, Apparently - Kay of Tre Asterium
    • My First Garb - Kay of Tre Asterium
  • Autumn 2015
    • Ypocras and Spice - Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • Bills of Fare for Christmas - Johnnae llyn Lewis
  • Summer 2015
    • A Letter from the Chronicler
    • Pentamere Dirty Dozen Donation Derby - Birke de Jaegerin
    • Medieval Architecture, Letter from Hamelin - Mistress Clare
    • Summer Cookery - Johnnae llyn Lewis
  • Spring 2015
    • A Missive from Baron Ermenrich
    • A Letter from the Chronicler
    • An Announcement from Sir Gregoire, Kingdom Earl Marshal
    • The Fools of April - THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • Greetings from Finn Finnegan O'Flynn, Baronial Seneschal
    • Cookery in Spring - THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
  • Winter 2014
    • Missive from the Baron and Baroness
    • A Word from the Chronicler
    • "Justice" - Master Midair MacCormaic
    • The Birthday Party - Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin
    • Molded Cookies for the Holidays - THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • The New SCA Heavy Fighters' Orientation Book - Primer - Sir RanthulfR AsparlundR
  • Fall 2014
    • Missive from the Baron and Baroness
    • Letter from the Seneschal
    • Apple Time
  • Summer 2014
    • Letter from Their Excellencies
    • Letter from the Chronicler
    • Cynnabar in Brief
    • Baronial Letters of Intent
    • Past Repasts for Pilgrims
    • 2014 Pennsic Tourism in and Around Pennsylvania
  • Spring 2014
    • A Letter from Their Excellencies
    • From your Chronicler
    • A Fighter's Diary
    • Shakespearean Insults
    • Funny Bunnies, Hares, & Rabbits
  • Winter 2013
    • Missive from Their Excellencies
    • Letter from the Chronicler
    • Wassail and Wassailing
    • Listing of Period Holiday Songs
    • Letter to the Editor - Is St. Cynnabarius a Frost Giant?
    • Roasted Winter Squash Soup
    • Venison
  • Fall 2013
    • Missive from Their Excellencies
    • Upcoming Events
    • Cynnabar in Brief
    • From Your Seneschal
    • From your Minister of Arts and Sciences
    • From your Archery Marshall
    • Passion - A Poem by Sugawara no Tokihira
    • The Tale of Ermenrich, the Night Watchman, by Ermenrich von Duisberg
  • Spring 2012
    • Missive from Their Excellencies
    • Upcoming Events
    • Cynnabar in Brief
    • Shining in the Torchlight: A Recollection of Garb Workday by HL Ermenrich von Duisburg
    • Water, Chilled and Cooled by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • Serving a King's Table by Baroness Kay of Tre Asterium
  • Winter 2012
    • Missive from Their Excellencies
    • Letter from the Chronicler
    • Cynnabar in Brief
    • Taking it up a notch: Improving your garb, step by step, by Mistress Melisant Saint-Clair
    • Experiencing Anachronisms Creatively by Mistress Alina of Foxwood
    • In Thanks for the Book: A Few Words of Appreciation by Master RanthulfR AsparlundR
    • Saint Cynnabarius and the Missing Baron by Master Midair MacCormaic
    • Courtesy 101 by Mistress Margarete of Stirlingshire
    • Using Great Weapons in the SCA by Sir RanthulfR AsparlundR
    • Pancakes and Shrovetide by Johnnae llyn Lewis
  • Fall 2011
    • Missive from Their Excellencies
    • Letter from the Chronicler
    • Letter from the Seneschal
    • Letter from the MOAS
    • Cynnabar At War
    • Identity Theft Wars on Pennsic Fighters - Master Midair MacCormaic
    • Meet a Member - An Interview with Their Excellencies
    • Stalwart Homeguard Undertakes War-time Parley with Celts - Godaeth
    • Autumn's Apples - THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
  • July 2011
    • Missive from Their Excellencies
    • Letter from the Chronicler
    • Letter from the Chatelaine
    • A Recap of Local Happenings
    • Pennsic Packing List - Baroness Hannah Schrieber
    • An Interview with New Members - HL Ermenrich von Duisburg
    • Cynnabar Fight Song
    • How to Build a Trestle Table - Genoveva von Lübeck
    • Beef Ribs Recipe -  THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
  • June 2010
    • "Baronial Missive" from Their Excellencies Tairdelbach and Hannah
    • "The A&S 50 Challenge" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
    • "Easy Quiche Lorraine" by Anonymous Cook
    • "Most Suitable for a Summer: Fruit and Vegetable Subtleties & Carving Sources " by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
  • March 2010
    • "Baronial Missive" from Their Excellencies Gregoire and Giovanna
    • "A Feast During the Time of Chaucer" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • "The Lay of Sto'Mach
    • as told by Verrix Verctissignos Cattidanios
  • December 2009
    • Baronial Greeting from Their Excellencies Cynnabar
    • A Letter from our Baronial Chatelaine
    • Cynnabar In Brief
    • "Pennsic Packing List" by HE Hannah Schreiber
    • "Meet a Member" by Ermenrich von Duiberg
    • "A New Cynnabar-Style Song for Fighting" by The O Grief Singers
    • "A Trestle Table for Under $35" by Genoveva von Luebeck
    • "Scappi’s Recipe for Beef Ribs" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • And more!
  • December 2009
    • "Pyramids of Sweets" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • "A Great Cake" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • "Eggnog Bread" by Randy Weiser
    • "The Continuing Tale of St. Cynnabarius"
  • September 2009
    • "Baronial Missive" from Their Excellencies Gregoire and Giovanna
    • "The Saints Cynnabarius" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • "Online Sources for Recipes & Culinary Texts: A Selective List" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
  • July 2009
    • "Preparing for Pennsic: Online Sources" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • "How Not to Get Food Poisoning at Camping Events" by Fernando Juan Carlos Remesal and Luveday Tyreman
    • "The Continuing Tale of St. Cynnabarius"
    • "Put What You’ve Got in a Pot; Or, A Pennsic Meal"
    • "From the Exchequer's Desk"
    • "On the Activities of a Proper Housewife" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
  • June 2009
    • "On Gardens" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • "The Continuing Tale of St. Cynnabarius"
    • "Strawberrie Season" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • "Pennsic Tourism In and Around Pittsburgh" by THL Johnnae Ilyn Lewis
  • October/November 2006
    • "Baronial Missive—Havest Time!" from Baron Gregoire & Baronessa Giovanna
    • "Michaelmas" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • "Days of the Dead" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • "The 30 Days of November or September" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • "On the Road Again" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • New Student Group, Scribal College, Garb Workdays, recent awards, workshops...and much, much more!
  • August/September 2006
    • "Baronial Missive—Draco Invictus!" from Baron Gregoire & Baronessa Giovanna
    • "Pennsic Land, Pennsic Heat..." or "What I Did on My Summer Vacation" by THL Jaan deBruer
    • "Fall Demo Season" by Lady Halima bint al-Rabii'
    • "Cordials, Beer and Wine" by Lord Aelfric Greensword
    • "Orange & Lemon Drinks of Summer" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • "Book Places Worthy of Special Mention" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • Demos, awards, workshops...and much, much more!
  • June/July 2006
    • "Baronial Missive" from Baron Gregoire & Baronessa Giovanna
    • "PENNSIC WAR XXXV Update" the Pennsic Land Agents
    • "Summer Food Safety" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis
    • "Don't Fear the Fabric Store, Part 3" by THL Rosalyn MacGregor
    • Another New Award: Elephant's Tusk!
  • April/May 2006
    • "Baronial Missive" by Baron Gregoire & Baronessa Giovanna
    • "May Anniversaries" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
    • "What is a Member of Cynnabar?" by Master Midair MacCormaic
    • "May Day" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
    • Upcoming Demos
    • Pennsic Deadlines
  • February/March 2006
    • "Baronial Missive" by Baron Gregoire & Baronessa Giovanna
    • "Demos, They Are Part of the Fun, Too!" by Lady Halima bint al-Rabii'
    • "Online Sources for Recipes & Culinary Texts—A Selective List for Sugar and Dessert Sites" contributed by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
    • "Don't Fear the Fabric Store" (part 2 in a 3-part series) by THL Rosalyn MacGregor
    • "New Society Mission Statement"
    • "A New Baronial Award!"
  • December 2005/January 2006
    • "Baronial Missive: Wassail!" by Baron Gregoire & Baronessa Giovanna
    • "Wassail Traditions" compiled by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
    • "Online Sources for Recipes & Culinary Texts: A Selective List" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE, for the Librarians of St. Catherines
    • "Don't Fear the Fabric Store" by THL Rosalyn MacGregor
  • October/November 2005
    • "Baronial Missive" from our new Baron and Baroness
    • "Websites for New Members" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
    • "Language As a Living Being and Endangered Species in Medieval England: A Review of Melvyn Bragg's The Adventure of English: The Biography of a Language" by Deborah Schultz
    • "Medieval Coinage" by Jehan de Pelham, esquire and servant of Sir Vitus (reprinted with permission)
    • "Autumn Moons and Holidays" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
    • "Why Go to Crown?" by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
  • August/September 2005
    • "Pennsic Heat!" by Lady Tigwyn of the Ochils
    • "Medieval Monsters" by David Thomas Chappell
    • "An Ode to the Pennsic Gate" by THL Jaan deBreuer
    • "Exchequer's Report" by THL Rosalyn MacGregor
    • "News from the Canton of Kastenstadt" by Quagmire Bushelfoote
    • "How to do Pennsic at Home" THL Jaan deBreuer
  • June/July 2005
    • "Baronial Changeover Update" from Baron Straum and Baroness Ute
    • "A nefarious plot revealed" by Baron Daibhid MacLachlan
    • "Quick Pennsic FAQs" by Lady Tigwyn
    • "News from the Canton of Kastenstadt" by Quagmire Bushelfoote
    • "Candied Ginger Slices in Two Versions" THL Johnnae llyn Lewis, CE
  • April/May 2005
    • "Baronial Changeover News" from Baron Straum and Baroness Ute
    • "Baronial Candidate Introductions" by Each B&B Ticket
    • "Concerning Magic" by Lord Korok Starbear